Week 6 - Real World Marketing: PPC vs SEO
There are many differences between pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and search engine optimization (SEO) that must be discussed with potential clients. This graph was created to show the typical investment and return on investment trends of both strategies over time, giving a visual example of the differences between PPC and SE), and helping consumers understand why they drastically vary. The goal of SEO is to increase a website's search ranking by adding newer content over time, increasing the value of the website, bringing in more visitors who decide to share the content, and helping to increase the website's ranking for exact keywords. It's very important to communicate to potential clients that while Pay per Click advertising can deliver instantaneous results, investing in Search Engine Optimization can conduct higher returns on investment in the long run. It's best to take advantage of a mix of both strategies to get the best results. A downside of PPC advertising i...